Birthplace of the 4-H Emblem

Built as a one room country schoolhouse, this became the birthplace of the four leaf clover 4-H Emblem.
In 1952 it moved from it's country location to Gazebo Park in Clarion.
In late 2017, it moved once again to the Heartland Museum Complex.
Shown here in its new location, surrounded by fields and prairie grass, it truly looks right at home. In 2024,we started work on the Edna Scott Memorial garden. Mrs. Scott dedicated years as a 4-H Leader. The area is for all 4-H leaders.
On August 16,1939, a huge boulder with two plaques was dedicated at Clarion. The inscription on one reads as follows:
Of the
4-H Club Emblem
In commemoration of
the foresight and vision
of O.H. Benson, Wright
County Superintendent of
schools, who originated
the idea and emblem of the
4-H clubs of America
Erected by the
4-H clubs of Wright County
O.H. Benson is shown here on the day the four-ton granite boulder was erected at the courthouse square.
Benson had a stellar career, including superintendent of Wright County Schools, author, and a national leader in Boy Scouts.
Records show the first boys club was established in 1899 at Woolstock. This was followed by Goldfield clubs in 1903 and 1904. Benson is credited with the 4-H emblem in1907.

The school maintains it's original one room school charm, complete with desks. Records and memorabilia from 4-H alumni, along with uniforms from the 40's-80's help tell the story. 4-H clubs are in many places in the USA, and provide an excellent learning experience for children. Whatever your children have a passion for, chances are a 4-H club in your area will help them develop that passion along with the fun of fairs and ribbons!
Inside there are displays of 4-H thru the years, and a special display of the Iowa State Fair. We are excited to add this bit of history to our tours.

We are proud to offer the 1971 and 1977 4-H Older Youth Cookbook! Combined into one book, the recipes are from local families, and is only $20 for over 1,000 recipes! Available at the gift shop, or by mail for $25.