We receive many wonderful donations to add to our displays. Here are a few!

Yvonne Crabtree donated over 160 Boyd's bears and items. Look for a new display in the Teddy Bear Museum this summer.
This pump came from John Lager of Clarion, and will be installed under our windmill.
Below is the start of the Memorial Garden. A private donation in the name of Edna Scott has made it possible to add: spirea by the school and a rock base to the sign. On order for spring: maple trees, yarrow, and lilac bushes. Day lillies are under the sign, and other flowers will be added. Once completed, this will be a nice area for people to relax a bit.

Interested in donating items to our museum? Please call us or email us with pictures. We are happy to accept items that we can display. We rotate our displays!
FRIENDS OF THE MUSUEM: Once a year we send out a card to Friends of the Museum, telling what we have accomplished during the year and ask for your continued support. The support of Friends of the Museum allows Heartland Museum to promote the museum as a destination for travelers.