If the past lives in you, there are many ways to help the Heartland Museum preserve our heritage. From monetary gifts or items donated, to attending events or volunteering, we consistently work towards improving the museum.
The museum is mainly staffed by dedicated volunteers. If you have skills, or like to meet people, we would welcome you! Volunteers greet our visitors, assist with tours, and help with projects. Volunteer an hour or more to fit your schedule! We make it easy.
Contact us at 515-602-6000.
We are able to continue to build on our history through your generous donations.
We keep Heartland Museum in the public eye. Visitors stay overnight, eat and shop in Clarion and surrounding towns. We are glad to promote your business with flyers or business cards!
Your donation is vital to keeping Heartland Museum a tourist attraction. We have, in fact, more items donated than we can display! We hope to add another building sometime in the future with the continued financial support of people like you.
What does Heartland do with contributions? Each year Heartland sets goals and consistently meets them. Our achievements for 2024 included:
Our annual Friends of the Museum donor campaign starts in November. Donations are accepted any time.
Donor Levels:
Legacy- $1000+
30% discount on gift shop purchases
Thank you gift
*Listed on Website
Champion- $500
20% discount on gift shop purchases
Thank you gift
*Listed on Website
Advocate- $250
*15% discount on gift shop purchases
*Listed in Newsletter
Patron- $100
*10% discount on gift shop purchase
*listed in Newsletter
Call to set up a donation today!
Mail your donation to:
Heartland Museum
PO Box 652
Clarion, IA 50525
(501C corporation)
Legacy Donors:
Murray & Valerie Wise
Waren & Julie Clausen
Jim & Marcia Borel
Normajene Collier
Doug & Dorothy Frohling
Caroline Lund
Allen & Mary Tesdahl
Champion Donors:
Kim Clausen
Maasdam Construction
Dan & Lynne Odland
Hosted CGD first graders for an educational event
More landscaping around the 4-H Schoolhouse courtesy of private donation
New display- How Women Helped Settle Wright County, funded by Wright Co Charitable Giving program
Annual Used Book Sale
Annual Craft Show
Presentation on Civil War ancestors
Intergenerational Interviews with Clarion-Goldfield-Dows 7th graders